Sunday, October 23, 2005

Heading South!

As my last post said, I'm headed south tomorrow (Monday) at 6AM, landing in New Orelans then driving east to Gulfport, MS to help coordinate all of the volunteers coming in from across the United States through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance ( My home church, Carmel Presbyterian Church ( given me a great gift in SENDING me as a representative of the church down to Mississippi for the next month.

I'm happy to report that as of last week, God's church is doing what it was created to do...bring out of chaos, hope.
I just finished up a conversation with Janis Duncan and we were talking about the larger picture of what if going on in the South. The hurricane unvieled quite a bit of the social ills that continue to plague this country. What I noticed last time I was down in Biloxi was the sheer amount of ordinary church people who chose to leave their life of comfort for a time and walk as Jesus walked, bring aid, compassion, love and hope to those without. I wonder how these acts of compassion will influence the church in America AND the larger history of America...
To view some beautiful acts of compassion check out the web site for Compassion Central
( You don't have to donate but scroll down and read about all of the impacting works this organization is doing... It really is a miracle...

Stay tuned!



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